AFF096 Supersonic Wind Tunnel With Schlieren Optics Teaching Equipment Educational Hydraulic Workbench
Subsonic and supersonic flows behave differently. Thus for example, a contraction in crosssection of the flow at subsonic speed causes an increase in velocity, and at supersonic speed causes velocity to slow down. Understanding these fundamental phenomena of supersonic flows helps in the design of e.g. gas and steam turbines, jets or rockets.

A fan draws in air from the environment through the supersonic wind tunnel. There is a subsonic nozzle located at the air inlet, in which the intake air accelerates. The carefully designed contour of the subsonic nozzle with integrated flow straightener ensures a uniform velocity distribution with little turbulence in the subsequent measuring section. In the closed measuring section, the air is accelerated further and flows around a drag body (rocket, projectile, double wedge and wedge).

Further down the supersonic wind tunnel, the air flow in slowed down in supersonic and subsonic diffusers and comes through a suction filter into the fan. Here, the air is compressed and then emitted back into the environment. A sound damper at the air outlet limits the sound level. Interchangeable walls with different contours are used in the measuring section to generate flow velocities up to Mach 1,8.